Bakugan Toys

Bakugan Toys

Bakugan Hand Launcher

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Battle like a master! Use your Hand Launcher and your strategic shooting skills to perfectly launch the Bakugan into battle. Throw a curve shot, aim for distance, or shoot at an angle. Victory is in your control!

Technical Details

- Use side spins or back spins and use the card of your choice
- Controlling the Bakugan using the techniques of a true master brawler
- Roll the Bakugan with great accuracy
- Get the upper hand in battle
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Customer Buzz
 "The launcher helped more than I thought it would..." 2009-05-04
By S. J. Becker (Boise, ID USA)
My seven year old can now read the Gate Cards and Activity Cards on his own and knows how to use them--so we started having actual brawls, or battles, or whatever you call them-- but he got frustrated pretty easily trying to get the bakugans to land on the Gate Cards with just his hands. He had tried the wrist launcher with limited success but this launcher works like a charm. It keeps the battles moving and the game interesting.

Customer Buzz
 "6-yr old kid review" 2009-05-03
When my dad came back from his trip he brought me this toy and i tried it out and it didn't shoot really far. So at first i was a little disappointed but then i found out that if you swing it it will shoot really far and now i'm really happy with it.

Customer Buzz
 "Best Bakkugan Launcher" 2009-02-19
By L. Fischer
Bought this for my son who is 7. He also got the first launcher that you strap on your wrist which doesn't really work at all. This one works well for the original size brawlers and the new series 2. We now have two for when he wants me to battle with him. Hey, he can't beat me every time! : )

Customer Buzz
 ""In my day, they used a thumb," says the old man..." 2009-01-30
By Daniel L Edelen (Mt. Orab, OH USA)
With the popularity of Bakugan firmly entrenched in the psyche of boys everywhere--at least until some hotter fad comes along--the need to buy everything Bakugan-related becomes a life mission for some. Hence the need for a Bakugan launcher.

At Amazon, reviews of the wearable wrist launcher (which differs from this item and has a higher coolness factor) have been universally underwhelming, so when presented with the "gotta have Bakugan" chant from our son, I bought this hand launcher instead.

The truth? This launcher winds up being a substitute for a thumb. As Bakugan is simply a hipper version of marbles meets trading cards (with more than a dash of Pokémon thrown in for good measure), the point of having to buy something to do what one's largest digit can accomplish is lost on this grayhair--though I will admit the launcher is better at the get-go for adding a backspin to your Bakugan roll.

Still, this hand launcher seems like overkill for what it actually does. My advice to the kiddies: Ditch the launchers and learn how to use your thumb. As an old man would say, "The practice will build you whippersnappers some character."

Customer Buzz
 "Nice addition to our growing collection!" 2009-01-15
By Jennifer Marvell (IL USA)
Nice that this fits both the newer big and older small Bakugan balls. Not too exciting - you just stick the ball in and hit the switch to "release" it, but my son loves it and uses it often when "brawling".

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